Welcome To Our Site




Summer is here once again and with it the bounty of nature. The herb garden is lush and aromatic. The elderberry bush is awash with delicate flowers and hints at the promise of a generous autumn harvast. Even though the sun shines a little longer, there seems hardly enough moments in the day to complete all that could be done.

In these busy days of blue skies and warm weather, I've taken some time to reflex, renew and reconnect with my own spiritual journey. My goal is to refine my focus on that which is most dear to my heart. To that end, I've streamlined the site and kept only the most essential elements so that I may reevaluate the direction it will take into the future.

For information on my products, please refer to the About section. As for my healing services and instructional oppertunities, I am always eager to assist those individuals who seek happiness and well-being. In fact, this is my summer of Reiki. I am resolved to immerse myself in the spiritual energies that the practice of Reiki can bring so I may better share this wonderful gift of healing from which we can all partake.

~ Mary Winters, June 2016


Holistic Healing: A doctrine of preventive and therapeutic medicine that emphasizes the necessity of looking at the whole person...body, mind, emotions, and environment.- Encyclopedia Britannica