Chart Layout


Chakra Genetic Cycles

Chakra Vitality Cycles

Forward Moving
Chakra Aging Cycles


Mental Constitution
Weekday of Birth
1st House


Reveals an individuals base psychological constitution which is defined by one's general personality and disposition.



Psychology Vitality
Season of Birth
4th House


Represents one's mental and psychological strengths and weaknesses; ruling planet for vitality houses.



Age Since Birth
7 Year Age
7th House


Denotes the current seven year cycle. The ruling planet for this house influences the other two houses of the aging cycles.



Physical Constitution
Weekhour of Birth
2nd House


Corresponds to one's physical body; addressing potential weakness of organs and other bodily systems. This house remains tied to lifelong health.



Physical Vitality
Dayhour of Birth
5th House


This house displays more detailed information of one's general physical strengths and weaknesses based on the planet of influence.



Age Since Birth
1 Year Age
8th House


Understanding the influences for this house, which changes with each birthday, helps one promote well-being throughout the year.


General Constitution
Week-Sub-Hour of Birth
3rd House


Dependent upon the planet of influence, this house represents one's genetic constitution. Lifelong health is also tied to this house offering insights for counteracting inherited weakness




General Vitality
Day-Sub-Hour of Birth
6th House


The six house provides insight to one's overall health strengths and weaknesses. The ruling planet for this house only has day to day influence.


Age Since Birth
52 Days of Age
9th House


Planetary influences change every 52 days for this house; there are seven 52 day cycles in one year. Like the changing of the seasons, these shifts in influence can be tracked to optimize one's choices towards well-being.




Read More

Health Chart Introduction

Understanding The Chart


For further information and consultation, please contact Mary Winters.









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